A Rainha das Rosas

Created by CRID and 96 children from the municipality of Leiria, the book “A Rainha das Rosas” has in its genesis the concept of a book for everyone. It brings together in a single copy enlarged text, Braille and embossed images for blind children or children with low vision, pictograms for children with intellectual disabilities or other limitations, and also has audiobook and videobook versions in Portuguese Sign Language for deaf children. It was developed in partnership by the Association of Parents of Schools of the Parish of Cortes and CRID.

The book’s text and illustrations were written by children from the Reixida Kindergarten (14 children) and Famalicão (18 children), and the Reixida Basic School (64 children). The translation and adaptation for pictograms are by professor Doctor Célia Sousa, coordinator of CRID. The book “A Rainha das Rosas” received the 2018 Access Culture Award for good practices in the area of ​​cultural accessibility.

To purchase the book you can access the website Associação de Pais de Cortes.

Theme by Anders Norén

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