
This project’s mission is to contribute to the equality of people with disabilities and promotes the development of the human potential of the students and teachers involved. SENSeBOOK, in partnership with Universidade Feevale de Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, and the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, is materialized in the creation of “kits” of multiformat books, for multisensory reading with diverse applications. It is financed by the “Programa de Desenvolvimento Académico Abdias Nascimento”, selection notice for joint research projects between Brazilian and foreign institutions with “graduação sanduíche” and “douturamento sanduíche” modalities, SECADI/CAPES notice no. 02/2024, which allows the exchange of knowledge between institutions.

The initiative is led by professor Doctor Célia Sousa, coordinator of the Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão Digital (CRID) at Politécnico de Leiria, professor Doctor Regina Heidrich, from the Pós-Graduação em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social program, at Universidade Feevale and by professor Doctor Paulo Jorge Maldonado Carvalho Araújo, from the Fcauldade de Artquitetura e Artes, of Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa.

Theme by Anders Norén

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