The project, focused on the Leiria region, integrates support technologies into the daily lives of elderly people and combats some disabilities, by promoting active aging, enabling them to participate and interact in a society increasingly linked to the use of new technologies.
The project aims to:
● Improve the quality of life of elderly people in terms of physical, mental and social well-being, by encouraging active aging;
● Minimize symptoms of social exclusion;
● Improve communicative capabilities through information and communication technologies;
● Develop new skills in the Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) area.
It began in 2017, with activities developed at CRID, in partnership with the Associação de Solidariedade Social de Marrazes (AMITEI). The elderly are accompanied by technicians from the institution and a senior technician, in the development of structured activities that promote digital inclusion, through adaptive and technological resources that favor inclusion and active aging throughout life.
Work under the coordination of professor Doctor Célia Sousa, coordinator of the Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão Digital (CRID).